Saturday, March 27, 2010

About Next Year

I have to read as much as I could so I searched about some websites for reading online and I found two great websites and I'll add them to my favorite websites on the Internet as well as I decided to buy 10 books and reading them through the summer but, problem is the private lessons! I'll be attending private lessons in the summer after the final exams. It's normal for all the pupils to have private lessons in all schools even my school which is the best in Mosul! it helps the pupils to get a good average, but with some pupils, it is not helpful! I think there is something with them, they repeat the year 3 times to get a good average and the good news, they never give up and it is a good thing.
And as I said I have to read a buy books but in the summer I won't have enough time for reading, all what I have to do is just studying for the 6th grad.. and all my future depends on the next year so I'll my best.
The exams will finish tomorrow and it'll start again in Wednesday, that means we only have 2 days to rest, I got bored of this but it doesn't matter.
I also find a funny websites called SparkNotes. There is some cool stuff their, check it out!

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